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The Sessions and Mentorship

It is more like a soul and consciousness sanctuary than a services section. Here you will find not just the healing options but also opportunities to expand your consciousness as well as to connect to your intuition and spirituality. The wisdom gained in the mentorship encounters, will empower you further on the path of manifesting your own reality intentionally. The vibrational therapy works side by side to the spiritual awakening process. Integrative therapy will combine so many layers of the holistic therapies that you will want to learn more and more about yourself. The Oracle and Tarot readings will guide you through your toughest moments and biggest decisions as well as help to gather a more holistic perspective about life, work and relationships. Energy healing will boost your vital energies to face challenges and reach a better day to day feeling, keeping your thoughts and emotions in balance alongside your physical body!

Nayla Spinosa - Ireland

Hi Aria, I don't know if you remember, but in our last session, we talked about waiting 3 weeks to take this idea forward. In the following days, everything turned upside down "and I left it for later", I thought to myself that at the right time it would come. Today would be exactly 3 weeks later, and in a very unpretentious call, the subject came up and manifested itself out of nowhere”

Amanda Rolim - Brazil

"My meeting with you Aria, I'm sure it was arranged by God! It was at the worst time of my life...
I had the opportunity to do a tarot consultation with you, those 20/30 minutes changed my perception of the years, and thus my Spiritual Awakening began. I always make the analogy that the tarot and the vibrational therapy table did not solve my problems like a magic wand, in fact these resources made me discover that by removing my floor, I could fly."

Ronan Fassina, Brazil

"Right in the first session I had the chance to see how much I self-sabotaged, deceived myself and let people do with me what they wanted. Accepting the spiritual mentorship made me face problems head on, have self-confidence and believe that our dreams are possible as long as you own your destiny.

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